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Learn about Bill "Sarge" Sargent
Candidate for the Texas 14th Congressional District

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- Visit Website on Storm Surge and Flood Abatement

[Election Day is March 6, 2018]
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Bill Sargent is approachable and belleives in service

Who is Bill Sargent?

Bill is a man of faith and a determined and dedicated leader who is about getting things done. He did so in Galveston County, improving its election process and in Austin, passed all of Galveston's election-related legislation in the 2017 session.

There are numerous federal issues that need addressing in our Congressional District for which bipartisan support can be developed. Sarge has twenty five years of legislative experience in Washington and Austin. He has a track record of bringing people together to get things accomplished.

One of the bills he was able to get enacted during his service in Washington was the Export Administration Act. That law is currently the basis for some of the sanctions on North Korea!

On this Website you will find a wealth of information about Sarge and where he stands on various issues. We encourage you to do your research and then we ask for your vote for Bill in the March 6th Republican Primary.

Here are a some of the things "Sarge" wants
to address as your Congressman:
(circa 2018)

  • The Coastal Barrier System:
    Get legislation passed that authorizes, funds, and requires the Army Corps of Engineers to build a coastal barrier system that protects Galveston Bay and the Houston Ship Channel.

    "If we fail to get this done, when the next hurricane goes up the channel we could see 80% of the military grade aviation fuel, 60% of the commercial grade, and a host of other critical products be off line from one-and-a-half years to three years" Sargent said. "That's just plain unacceptable! We need to stop talking about this and get it done," he contended!

    "Over three years ago I told our incumbent Congressman -- who sits on the committee of jurisdiction -- how to make it happen but he has failed to accomplish the task.  It's time to retire those who are ineffective and replace them with advocates who will get the job done," Sargent concluded. 

    [Bill laid out exactly how to accomplish the task of authorizing and funding a coastal barrier system in a column in the Galveston County Daily News in August 2014.  In a July 2017 follow up column he compares his recommendation to what Congress did.]
    Visit Website on Storm Surge and Flood Abatement

  • Red Snapper Fishing:
    We need to get real relief for recreational fishermen so they can fish for red snapper for more than just three days a year. Last year the red snapper season was extended from three days to 39 days in exchange for giving up 52 days of fishing in state waters. This was a short term solution which didn't address the root problems.  There are solutions and we need to seriously work toward them.

    "I believe there are more red snapper out there than NOAA says there are," Sargent said, "but lets think outside the box for a moment.  Instead of telling the recreational fishermen they can only fish on specific days, how about saying they can have a certain number of days and then let each fisherman decide what dates works best?  Our country was founded on the idea of giving people freedom.  Let's make sure our fisherman have those freedoms our forefathers fought so hard to protect." Sargent suggested.

  • "We also need to take a serious look at the Exempt Fishing Permit pilot project that have been authorized for the 2018-2019 fishing seasons.  This appears to be a great first step in trying to bring equity to the recreational  red snapper anglers," Sargent contended.

    To see the history your current Congressman's stand and his halting of relief for recreational red snapper fishermen you might be interested in an investigative report by Fox News in New Orleans which describes his past involvement.

    In March 2017 Sarge wrote a series of columns on this issue and offered some solutions.
    In June he wrote about the 3 Day red snapper fishing season and about a Texas Parks and Wildlife meeting on the issue. In July he wrote a follow up column about environmentalist suing the Commerce Department for its taking a small step toward giving recreational fishermen relief from the three-day red snapper fishing season.

  • Term Limits:
    Enact legislation that establishes term limits for the next freshman Congressional class, to no more than six two-year terms for a member of the House of Representatives and two-six year terms for members of the U.S. Senate.

  • Passing Appropriation Bills:
    Change the rules of the House of Representatives requiring the Appropriation Committee to report out, and have the House vote on, all twelve appropriation bills by the July 4th recess each year. If they are unable to do so, the House would not take a recess until that constitutionally mandated responsibility is done.

    We should not be funding the government through last minute, stop gap, continuing resolutions," Sargent said. 

    See where Sarge stands on other issues!

Political advertisement paid for by the Bill "Sarge" Sargent for Congress Committee,
Phillip Trittel, Treasurer, Post Office Box 3473, Galveston, TX 77552
This is a 2018 "Archived" website. Sarge is no longer actively seeking office.







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